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Alumni Garden Inscribed Brick

Alumni Garden Inscribed Brick

84 Supporters
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Alumni Garden Inscribed Brick

Support the Salisbury University Alumni Association with a one time gift that will last a lifetime. Buy a 4" x 8" brick for yourself or in honor/memory of a classmate, faculty member, club, team, family member or any other important person in your life. All commemorative bricks are placed on a walkway surrounding the fountain in the Miller Alumni Garden, located directly behind the Alumni House.

Purchase Information: 

  • Engraving is two lines per brick, 14 characters per line (including spaces and punctuation)
  • Cost is $100 per brick. 

After your brick order is placed, a representative of the Alumni Office will reach out by email to confirm your inscription request. Brick orders are sent to the vendor in lots of no less than 30 bricks. Therefore, we cannot give an accurate timeline of when bricks will be etched and installed. If you'd like a certificate to present the brick as a gift, please reach out the Alumni Engagement Office ( or 410-543-6042) to request.

NEW: You can now find your brick via an interactive map thanks to the work by the Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative. Alumni Garden Brick Finder

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!