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Art Department Scholarships

Art Department Scholarships

24 Supporters
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Art Department Scholarships

The Art Department at Salisbury University offers several scholarships and awards to Fine Arts majors each year. We provide a renewable scholarship to several Freshman/Transfer students, a meritorious award and an alumni award to help cover material costs of pursuing a Fine Arts education or career.

Students with Fine Arts majors attend small classes, with lots of personal attention aimed at developing the students' skills and vision. SU also has the only on-campus hot glass shop in the state and this popular and exciting area allows students to try their hand at an ancient medium, born of earth and fire.

Please considering making a gift today to help the Art Department increase the amount awarded for each for each of these scholarships and awards. With your support, we can distribute these funds to the most number of students possible. Your gift, of any amount, combined with others, WILL help the Art Department continue making a difference for students.

Hear from Our Scholarship Recipients

Art Department Alumni and Art Memorial Recognition Award
"I have used my time at Salisbury to dive into the craftsmanship of art and explore my different conceptual interests without stressing cohesion, but I consider it a strength going forward to draw from experience in different places." - Karley Fishell

Art Department Meritorious Award
"I feel incredibly honored to have been chosen for this award. It feels as though my labor and dedication to my work finally feel recognized without having to sacrifice my authentic self. My passion for painting can be very costly, so I'm truly thankful that I have the financial means to purchase more supplies for the large-scale works I intend to create." - Daijah Richardson

Myers Award for Photography
"Over the past few months my photos have been getting more and more exposure and I have been traveling around to different places to shoot different events and sessions. This Award helps me pay for travel and fees to photograph musical artists, and events." - Harrison Webb

Walter C. Thurston Memorial Award
"The photos I have showcased here comes from my study abroad trip to Scotland, which gave me the opportunity to work in the field of photography I am most interested in pursuing, that being landscape photography. This award allows me an opportunity to show my work and how far I have come." -Wyatt Frederick

Jinchul Kim Painting Award
“During my time at SU, I’ve been encouraged to experiment more with my work and techniques, and my ideas have been made that much stronger by it. The funds will go toward my senior show display, be it props or supplies. Anything left would go toward supplies for my work outside of the show, allowing me to explore new mediums and strengthen my work and vision as a whole.” -Lauren Gossard

Camera Lucida Travel Award
"While studying abroad does not directly corollate to my career goals, it gave me the opportunity to see a new part of the world and a different culture. As a nursing student and a future nurse, I am going to interact with culturally diverse populations. Having the opportunity to be in a different country has given me a better appreciation and respect for other individual’s cultures. My experience in Edinburgh, Scotland was a highlight and one of my favorite memories while here at Salisbury University." - Matthew Daniel

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!