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Department of Communication

22 Supporters
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Department of Communication

The Department of Communication (COMM) offers a diversified curriculum and helps prepare students for a wide range of careers and graduate study. The department offers a Bachelor of Arts with four tracks: Human Communication, Journalism/Public Relations, Media Studies and Media Production. We also offer a COMM minor for students wanting to complement degrees with important communication skills such as interpersonal communication, managerial communication, intercultural communication, meeting management, media writing and production, and media analysis and criticism. The department is dedicated to providing students with first-hand experience in the burgeoning global communications market. Department faculty routinely offer courses in Ecuador, Scotland, London and India for COMM majors and other SU students who wish to participate in off-campus learning.

We need your help to provide our students with the everyday skills that go beyond traditional academic learning. Your gift, no matter the size, combined with others, will help the Department of Communication give our students a superior knowledge of how communication impacts society and our experiences. Your investment will help provide updated classroom technology and improved internship experiences for students.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!