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Literacy Studies Doctoral Program

Literacy Studies Doctoral Program

3 Supporters
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Literacy Studies Doctoral Program

Support Ed.D. students on their research journey!

Invest in the future of literacy education by supporting the Ed.D. students as they present their research at professional conferences. As scholar-practitioners, these students lead and innovate literacy learning across Pre-K to higher education contexts. Professional conferences allow students to share their research, build professional networks, and engage with the latest developments in the field of literacy studies.

Your gift directly helps cover registration, as well as travel and lodging costs, making these transformative experiences more accessible to Ed.D. students who are eager to contribute to and learn from the broader educational research community.

  • $25—covers the costs of materials for a conference session.
  • $50—helps with local transportation, such as airport shuttles or public transit.
  • $100—offsets the cost of conference registration for a student presenter.
  • $250 & up—supports affordable airfare and lodging for an out-of-state conference.

Last year, doctoral students presented their research at the following professional conferences:

  • American Educational Research Association
  • Carnegie Project for the Education Doctorate
  • European Conference on Literacy
  • Literacy Research Association

To learn more about the types of research Ed.D. students pursue, check out this article recently published in Re:Search by SU’s Graduate Studies and Research Office.

Join us in empowering SU’s doctoral students to make tomorrow theirs by advancing their professional development—every contribution makes a difference! #EdDSuccess

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