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Fulton School of Liberal Arts

Fulton School of Liberal Arts

32 Supporters
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Fulton School of Liberal Arts

The Charles R. and Martha N. Fulton School of Liberal Arts is the largest and most diverse of Salisbury University's four endowed schools. Its 13 departments embrace academic disciplines in the visual and performing arts, humanities, and social sciences. In addition to our strengths in these disciplines, the Fulton School offers a number of majors and minors in interdisciplinary and applied fields. The well-rounded education that our students receive during their time at SU is a direct result of the experience they obtain in the Fulton School.

Your gift to the Fulton School of Liberal Arts or its departments, will make an impact in several areas, such as reducing student debt after graduation, much-needed improvements to aging classrooms and student research support, just to name a few. To make a gift to specific department simply list the departments name in the instructions section. Your gift, combined with others, will make a difference.

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