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13 Supporters
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The Physics Department offers a multi-track program of study, giving students the flexibility to pursue a challenging curriculum of inspiring courses best suited to their individual dreams and chosen career. A major in physics prepares students for careers in a variety of high-technology fields, teaching and further graduate studies in physics, engineering, medicine and other fields. Students can complete the physics major in one of four ways: general physics track, microelectronics track, secondary education track or 3-2 dual-degree engineering program. Taking classes is not the only experience available in physics. We provide undergraduate research opportunities because they are important to the advancement of student understanding, allowing the student to apply the techniques that an active hands-on environment promotes.

We need your help to provide our students undergraduate research opportunities assisted with new technology and resources. Your investment no matter the size, combined with others, will reinforce the program's goal of preparing students to work confidently and effectively in physics or a related field, to develop the power to think critically, judge soundly and communicate effectively.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!