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Seidel School of Education

Seidel School of Education

48 Supporters
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Seidel School of Education

The Samuel W. and Marilyn C. Seidel School of Education includes undergraduate programs in Early Childhood Education, Elementary Education and Secondary & Physical Education, and Outdoor Education. Graduate programs are offered in Educational Leadership, Post-Secondary Education Curriculum & Instruction and Reading Specialist . A doctoral program is offered in Contemporary Curriculum Theory & Instruction: Literacy.

A trademark of all Seidel School majors is experiential learning. Students gain real-world experience with our partners in multiple settings that include regional professional development schools, social work agencies, sports medicine clinics, hospitals, fitness clubs and universities. Course work culminates into semester-long internships that prepare students for future career challenges.

Your gift to the Seidel School of Education will make an impact in several areas, such as reducing student debt after graduation, much-needed improvements to aging classrooms and student research support, just to name a few. To make a gift to specific department simply list the departments name in the instructions section. Your gift, combined with others, will make a difference.

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